Which Holiday Glass Are You?
I LOVE Christmas. It’s been my favorite holiday since I was a little girl. Now as an adult I relish it even more, taking my role as Santa Claus very seriously.
My holiday glasses are some of my favorites to design. Each glass peppered with an unmistakable holiday cheer.
I like to imagine each glass has a unique personality to it. The same way my friends matched their cocktails with their personalities years ago. (You may remember that from my brand story. But if not, you can read how it all began here.) And with the holidays quickly approaching, I’ve decided it would be fun to share these personalities with you!
Are you my Movie Night Fan or Holiday Baker? Perhaps being The Decorator suits you more? Read on to learn just which holiday glass fits you the most!
The Decorator
If your Christmas decorations are put up by November 1st, I genuinely admire you. You’re like my Pull Out The Decorations Hand-Painted Wine Glass. You waste no time celebrating the joy of the season, and you do it in style too!
You're all about the perfect holiday aesthetic, and for gifting, you're always prepared months in advance. Cheers to you Christmas queen!
The Holiday Baker
If the holidays mean the smell of cookies is always drifting through your home, you may just be my In Full Cheer Hand-Painted Wine Glass.
Baking is your love language, and you do it best with a wine glass in hand and your favorite trusty red within reach. You're DEFINITELY bringing the best looking (and tasting!) cookies to the cookie swap and everyone knows it too!
The Movie Night Fan
If to you, nothing says preparing for Christmas like a cozy movie night. With wine in hand and snacks ready, piled under the coziest blankets you can find. You may just be my Reindeer Games Hand-Painted Wine Glass!
On occasion, you build a killer pillow fort, and you always wear the cutest themed pajamas too.

Not The Decorator, Holiday Baker or Movie Night Fan? Not to worry! Part two is coming soon...
From now until Christmas, you can get 10% off my holiday glasses. This includes the ones I mentioned here! Use code: “HOLIDAYWHO10” at checkout. Offer Ends 12/25/24.